Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jay Seegmiller thinks you should pay more for gas

1. Does Jay Seegmiller really want to increase gasoline taxes? Yes he does.

In a candidate survey that he completed he said he would support increasing gasoline taxes. He also said he would increase vehicle taxes in the same survey.

2. Does Jay Seegmiller really want to increase fees on the local extraction of oil? Yes he does.

In that same survey he said he would increase royalties on companies that extract oil. It's a common liberal belief that taxes on a business do not affect the customers. In reality that's just not true. If it costs more to get gas to the pump, it's going to cost you more to get gas out of the pump. That's simple economics. Oh, and he wants to raise royalties on natural gas extraction too: Say hello to higher heating bills.

3. Does Jay Seegmiller really want to enact stricter environmental regulations than the federal government already has imposed? Yes he does.

It says so right in the survey where he made known all his liberal beliefs. For years the federal government has banned the development of oil shale in Utah. Now after a summer of extreme high gas prices caused by America's addiction to foreign oil, the liberal death grip on our natural energy is loosening. But Jay Seegmiller's call for stricter regulations on our lands is a reminder of how America's addiction to foreign oil became so severe in the first place. But wait there's more, if you read Jay Seegmiller's survey responses carefully you'll notice that when Jay was given the chance to profess his support to develop Utah's natural energy resources like coal, oil, and natural gas, he refrained.